Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Benefit

Well, it is finally over. The benefit was last night and it was a huge success. As you can see from the pictures we had a huge turnout. There was plenty of food and items for the auction. We had an abundance of help and everything went perfect. John and Mimi Reed were in charge of running the auction and did a fabulous job! We ended up raising right at $20,000. Praise God!!! He has provided again and again for us.

Thank you to everyone who came and helped. It wouldn't have happened without you. I would like to send a special thank you out to everyone on the committee who spent countless hours planning it. I don't know everyone who was involved with that so I'm not even going to try to list names. There is one person who I have to mention. My mom, Shannon Friedman, was in charge of the committee and planning everything. She did more than any of us can even imagine. She has always sacrificed and given for her kids, but her support and sacrifice for us these past few months means more to me than I can put into words. I pray that I will be half the mom to my kids that she has been to me. Love Ya Mom!!!


Mel Donnell said...

Amen Sister-in-law
Your momma is the best.

Stephanie said...

Yes, I agree. Your mom was awesome!!

Stephanie said...

Yes, I agree. Your mom was awesome!!
